Shanghai Travel - The Huishan Temple is located in the Xihui Park

The Huishan Temple is located in the Xihui Park at the foot of the Huishan Hill in western suburb of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. Huishan Hill, also known as Huiquanshan Hill (Hui Spring Hill), is also called Nine Dragon Hill because it has nine mountain ridges, looking like a moving dragon. The Huishan Hill is reputed as the first hill south of the Yangtze River. The Huishan Hill is famous for its springs, among which the most famous one is the second spring under heaven. This spring is divided into three pools: the upper pool, the middle pool and the lower pool. The lower pool is at the entrance,Shanghai Travel, dug in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), with water flowing down from a hole above and then out of the mouth of a stone dragon to the ground. A hall named Qilan (ripples and billows) Hall stands beside the spring,China Pictures, with a Kwan-yin stone erected in front of it. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the stone was moved here from the villa of Gu Kexue, a senior official of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In the back of the hall is the well-known Erquan Pavilion. The upper pool and the middle pool situate inside and in front of the pavilion respectively, dug during late Dali year (779) of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The upper pool has an octagonal shape, with the best water quality among the three pools. The middle pool has a shape of asymmetrical square, with its water seeping though the Ruobing Hole. According to legend, the pool was discovered by a monk named Ruobing in the Tang Dynasty, hence the name Bing Spring.


Shanghai Travel - There are many historic sites in the area

There are many historic sites in the area. The Dragon-Taming Temple is located on the top of a small hill in Dujiangyan of Sichuan Province. There are three palaces now in the temple. A stone figure of Li Bing is in the middle of the main palace. It was unearthed in 1974. This figure is made of white sandstone, wearing a hat and is dressed in a long cloth. The stone figure was made in the early years of the Emperor Lingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) and the earliest round carving stone figure. On the back hall is displayed an electric model of the Dujiangyan irrigation area. On the left of the temple is Baopingkou, where the water in the river surges forward and forms a majestic spectacle. A pavilion called Guanlan Pavilion is at the highest point behind the temple, from which you can see many beautiful views such as the Minjiang River. ¡¡¡,Shanghai Travel;¡ ¡¡,China Pictures;¡¡First built in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (386-581) and named the Chongde Ancestral Temple, the temple was renamed the Erwang Temple after Li Bing and his son were appointed as kings in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The extant buildings were rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The buildings in the temple were arranged according to the terrain of the mountain, and are magnificent and elegant.


Shanghai Travel - wegdfg

Changting boasts a historic cultural heritage of a long history and well-preserved relics inside the county include the ancient city gate, the Sanyuan Pavilion and the Baozhu Gate of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the Chaotian Gate of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the ancient city walls from the Tang to the Ming Dynasty, the Temple of Literature of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and the Tingzhou Examination Hall of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the twin cypresses of the Tang Dynasty,Shanghai Travel, the Shuangyin Tower of the Song Dynasty and the Zhuzi Ancestral Temple of the Qing Dynasty, etc. In the county, there are altogether seven key cultural relics sites under the national protection, six cultural relics sites under the provincial protection, and twenty-seven cultural relics sites under the county-level protection.


Shanghai Travel - Due to historical and geological reasons, Leizhou became

Due to historical and geological reasons, Leizhou became the converging place of Chu and Yue cultures, aboriginal culture, culture brought by immigrants from South Fujian, marine culture and culture from the Central Plains, and form its unique Leizhou culture. Leizhou is full of talents and historic sites. There are 57 cultural relics sites under the county-level protection or above, and the number and quality of collections in the Leizhou city museum top all county-level museums in the province. And, the museum is an outstanding patriotism education base in the national cultural relics system. ¡¡,Shanghai Travel;¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Many celebrities in the history came from Leizhou. For instance, Chen Wenyu served as governors of Donghezhou and Leizhou in succession, and was respectfully honored as Lei Ancestor due to his great achievements. Another example is Chen Bin, who served as county magistrate of Gutian and Taiwan in Fujian Province in succession, and provincial governor of Fujian Province and satrap of Fujian-Zhejiang area. For his incorruptibility and solicitude to the mass people, he was reputed as one of the three great honest and upright officials south of the Five Ridges in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Leizhou has beautiful natural scenery, including the eight great sites in old Leizhou such as vast exuberance in West Lake, inscriptions in the goose pagoda, and so on, as well as new scenic spots like the Tiancheng Terrace, the Gaoshan Temple, and the Baolin Buddhist Temple. Looking eastwards from the Sanyuan Ancient Tower, one can see large expanse of fertile fields, chains of mountains and waves on the South China Sea. All visitors will gasp at the too many marvelous sites and the uncanny workmanship of the nature. ¡¡¡¡,China Pictures; ¡¡¡¡Folk customs in Leizhou are quite colorful. In the Lantern Festival, people hold rich activities in urban and rural areas, and the Tan Dance and the Flower Spreading Dance prevalent in March are quite fascinating. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Leizhou is a glittering pearl in south China, and a great garden full of historical culture. It is one of the 99 national level historical and cultural cities.


China Pictures - Various pieces of pottery scattered in the city

,China Pictures

Various pieces of pottery scattered in the city, most of which are decorated with gray patterns. Some of the pottery wares were made of coarse-sand red pottery and decorated with colored pattern. Scattering outside of the city are tombs that belonged to Cheshi, Gaochang and the Tang periods. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Since the city site is located in a strategic passage, so most foreign explorers who visited Chinese Xinjiang all have visited the city since the 19th century. Chinese renowned archaeologist Huang Wenbi has conducted several excavations at the site since 1928. After the founding of new China, archaeological institutions also carried out a series of excavations here. The city has an important historical value in studying the city construction in Xinjiang.


Taiyuan Tours - Dynasty

Ancient China and Medieval China for Kids - history,Taiyuan Tours, food, clothing, religion, philosophy, and more Ancient China
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To find out more about ancient China, check out these books from Amazon.com or from your library:

Eyewitness: Ancient China, by Arthur Cotterell, Alan Hills, and Geoff Brightling (2000). For kids.

Great Ancient China Projects for Kids, by Lance Kramer (2008). Nice clear interesting projects.

Moonbeams, Dumplings & Dragon Boats: A Treasury of Chinese Holiday Tales, Activities &,Taiyuan Pictures; Recipes, by Nina Simonds and others (Children's Museum of Boston, 2002).

Ancient China: 2,000 Years of Mystery and Adventure to Unlock and Discover (Treasure Chest), by Chao-Hui Jenny Liu (1996). Lots of activities for kids, including a Chinese calligraphy set.

Ancient India
Ancient West Asia
History for Kids home page

And check out Maps of the World's Asia Map for maps of ancient China and other places!

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