One billionth App Store downloader iphone is Connecticut, USA teenager

Apple on Friday revealed that Connor Mulcahey, a 13 year-old from Weston, Connecticut, as the winner of its billion app countdown contest.

He downloaded Bump (which allows users to send contact information between iPhones) –the App Store's billionth download iPhone Wallpapers, to his iPhone.

Apple awards Mulcahey a MacBook laptop, an iPod Touch, an Apple Time Capsule backup system and a $10,000 iTunes gift card. What a haul just for downloading a single app!

Connor said he learned he won through an e-mail sent to his iPhone on Thursday as he was on the way home from baseball practice. The vice president of iTunes

Pointing only to anonymous people familiar with the negotiations as its sources, USA Today explains that Verizon reportedly entered serious talks before Steve Jobs' hiatus and has been continuing those talks even with

Jobs temporarily sidelined for medical reasons.

These info are about iPhone news.

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