Twitterrific update due to be released soon for iPhone Wallpapers

Not too long along, we saw Tweetstack walk into the ring and bring your TweetDeck columns to your phone. Now iPhone and desktop veteran, Twitterrific, from Iconfactory, has bulked up and shipped out "Twitterrific 2.0″. And, from the looks of it, this one will not disappoint iPhone Wallpapers.

So what's new in Twitterrific 2.0 that we should iPhone Wallpapers

The app has been submitted to the iTunes App Store and is expected to be approved next week, much to the delight of Twitter/iPhone users everywhere, no doubt.

We can't tell how the controls will work, but the graphics and gameplay really do look great. iPhone as a game platform is advancing in leaps and bounds iPhone Wallpapers.

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