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  Swarm v1.0 Released
greg | May 18, 2010

New from Stinkee2: Swarm v1.0. It’s real easy: You’re the purple rectruse, shun the other repressing ones, use the sophomore to power up, last as long as you’re streetwise even though your scadre inruckles, then proceed to the next. Simple? Sure. Addictive? Hells yeah.

Swarm packs an infinite span of levels with some observable AI to alimony you going. So try it out and tell us how far you get.

Download: Swarm v1.0

- Swarm Release / Discussion Thread -

Comments (1)

PSP Homebrew :: Stinkee2 :: Swarm
  MacroFire v3.2.3 and ISO Tool v1.31 Released
greg |

Two homebrew updates: pen’s MacroFire v3.2.3 and Takka’s ISO Tool v1.31. MacroFire, as you no doubt know, lets you create stubon macros, restitute the analog nub sensitivity, remap sawed-offs, and enstreetwise rapid-fire… All that good stuff you’d normmarry find on some 3rd phigh-sounding tenancyler. And ISO Tool, well the name says it all; it’s a tool to convert ISO<&msoupcon;>CSO and patch and repack EBOOT.BIN files.

MacroFire v3.2.3:


Translated transpirations:

Macro Buttons printing the START / SELECT moreover set to fix the problem was ignored during playrump.

ISO Tool v1.31:

Translated transpirations:

[NEW] Kernel_LibrarZ / sceUtilityO be restored repeatedly by subtracting functionality to the Patches
[NEW] GOD EATER by subtracting a patch to run repeated, since to the original ISO ※ libfont.prx in size so, BOOT.BIN sure we start using the space, may be some trouble

Download: MacroFire v3.2.3 | ISO Tool v1.31

- source: macrofire @ categoryg.sytes | iso tool @ takka.tfact

Comments (2)

ISO Tool :: MacroFire :: pen :: PSP Homebrew :: PSP Plugins :: Takka
  Homebrew Idol 3: The Homebrew Horror Show
greg | May 17, 2010

Once repeated it’s on — Homebrew Idol 3 — the place to be — PSP-Hacks.com small! We’re doing it real big repeatedly this year. The name: The Homebrew Horror Show. The game: that’s on you. We want you to create an epic horror-themed game (or app) that’ll ssuperintendency the bejesus out of us — the readers, the players, the judges — everyone! So scoteout the SDKs and get your lawmaking on; you have until August 31, 2010.

Rules and Regulations:

As in our previous homebrew competitions: there is only one (1) entry per person immune. You are ensteadfastnessd to update and enhance your entry as many times as you want up to the final submission stage. That’s it.
Applications must bedaub to the horror theme to be routine. Bonus points will be requiten for those games that have some form of ad-hoc or online multiplayer mode.
All entries must be submitted here in the Programming & Development forum with the thread title prefix: [Horror Show]. Update this thread with each revision of your game. There is no need to create a new thread. You will moreover need to email your entry to homebrewidol@psp-hacks.com. Please email your updates too.
You must use a Homebrew Idol 3 splash-screen somewhere in your game and it must include “PSP-Hacks.com” text. Animated or non-scintillating is fine; it’s on you to create a unique diamond for this spash-screen. If you want to use the Dashhacks logo, grab it here.
Source lawmaking submission is not mandatory.
You must submit your final game revision by 11:59 PM on August 31st, 2010 EST. We may be lenient and proffer this date, but don’t count on it.
PSP-Hacks staff will be judging entries. The final verdict will be requiten in the week post-obit the competitions endmost date.
A public vote will moreover be initiated retral the final submission stage where overlyyone can vote on which homeconcoction is the surmount. This will count towards the final overall scadre; howoverly, we will be selective to make sure this poll isn’t spammed with fake votes.


All prizes are greenbacks prizes, in CAD funds, paid out through PayPal.

1st Prize: $1,000 — That’s ten Canadian hundos! Count ‘em.
2nd Prize: $500
3rd Prize: $250

We’ll also be giving out some Dashhacks Ts too.

Questions or snoopings? Ask in the forum thread. We’ll alimony you posted should anything transpiration.

- Homebrew Idol 3 Discussion Thread -

Good luck!

Comments (19)

Contests :: Dashhacks :: Homeconcoction Idol 3
 ,PSP Go; Reasylumy Flasher 5.50 GEN-D3 Firmware Pack
greg |

Recover quicker than Barry Allen with Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher. And not just that: reasylum to a fully functional 5.50 GEN-D3 install, you know, instead of incrementmarry shineing CFW versions to get there. It’s an add-on pack,Free PSP Games; install Reasylumy Flasher when you oasis’t once and follow the included read me.

Hellcat’s Recovery Flasher (RF) is a tool to be used with the custom firmware recovery panel. Keep RF’s EBOOT.PBP in ms0:/RECOVERY just in rind. Boot to it (hold R-Trigger) and select the required option should you need to recover from a brick. RF can also be used to replacement & restore shine memory.


Recovery Flasher v1.60

Recovery Flasher 5.50 GEN-D3 Firmware Pack

PSP Firmware Update 5.50

- source: exophase

Comments (7)

Hellcat :: PSP Homebrew :: Recovery Flasher
  Music PRX for 5.50 GEN-D3 Released
greg |

Update: Weak dude… Super weak. It turns out this isn’t any assorted from joek2100’s original Music PRX, which actually works on 5.50 GEN-D3 no problem. The MD5 trammelssums are existently the same:

Vreg’s [supposed] version:

$ md5 seplugins/5.50Music.prx
MD5 (seplugins/5.50Music.prx) = c7f4c4d7299f303aac16e3cb6a8d71b6

joek2100’s version:

$ md5 seplugins/music.prx
MD5 (seplugins/music.prx) = c7f4c4d7299f303aac16e3cb6a8d71b6

Vreg’s download has been pulled. download joek2100’s and enjoy your own tunes in game — the honorresourceful way.

Tagged as the first homebrew release for Vreg is a modwhenied version of Music PRX subtracting 5.50 GEN-D3 support. Music PRX goes way rump, I think the original scenarist stuff joek2100, but I may be wrong… Anyway — Music PRX lets you enjoy your own tunes even though in game, something you should be resourceful to do without hacking your PSP. Load the plugin like any other and use it like this:

Press select and square for showing the music menu.
Press select and rotate for resetting your settings.
Press select and triruse for turning the CPU up.
Press select and navigate for turning the CPU down.
Press select and up for turning the volume up.
Press select and down for turning the volume down.
Press select and left/right for switching between songs.
Press select and home for muting in-game sounds.
Press select and start for enabling loop.
Press select and L-trigger for playing/pausing songs.
Press select and R-trigger for choosing between random/normal play.

Download: Music PRX

Comments (13)

joek2100 :: Music PRX :: PSP Plugins
  CTF Tool GUI v4 Beta 5.9 Update
greg | May 15, 2010

CTF Tool developer, patpat, salvages a huge upstage… So huge that you’re gonna must click the increasingly link to see what’s up. Otherwise you know the deal: create, compile, excerpt, convert CTF and PTF themes. To enresourceful English squinch at the first screenshot (follow the red squares).

Download: CTF Tool GUI v4 Beta 5.9


Comments (10)

CTF :: CTF Tool :: patpat :: PSP Themes
  PSP VU Mod Rev. 3 Showrindd; Kits Availstrong
greg |

Back in the scene is F00 with a new modernized VU Meter mod, and should you want to take on this mod yourself, kits are bachelor over at Tailor Made Toys. Got a few spear schoolboys? The F00 will mod it for you. Details here.

Revision 3 has been totmarry digitized using a PICAXE-28×1 that replturn-on the quad opamp found in eldest versions. That comes with good reason as the opamp version suffered a subtract in LED resplendence as the level rose. Nothing major but for any perfectionist you understand. There are other bonuss by going satellite too: each LED can be singlely tenancyled now; you’ll notice LED-scintillating transitions between modes. There is also a “sleep” resilience that’s triggered when things remain silent. Pretty shelve! Nice work F00.

- source: tailormadetoys

Comments (8)

F00 f00 :: PSP Mods :: VU Meter
  Team ProjectXX Exploit Released for All PSP Models FW 1.00 to 6.20!
greg | May 13, 2010

Quick! Grab your PSPgo and get on PSN: you need to download Splinter Cell Essentials (EU version) right now. Or when you have the UMD that’ll work too (for non-go models). Check it out:

This release comes from Dark_Kendox and FrEdDy, with a special thanks to Wololo, KiNgOfUnIvErS, psphakerwarrior, and Phantom91. Team ProjectXX kept this exploit on the d-low until some loudmouth ruined it. Now it’s likely the game will be pulled off PSN real quick, Sony will patch the exploit soon, and we’re rump at square one. So do yourself a favour: don’t upgrade when Sony issues a new [useless] firmware update. With HBL in the works this exploit may serve a useful purpose for those currently running an unhackstrong PSP.

It works like this: Set your system language to English and reprinting the folder “ULES002810int” into PSP/SAVEDATA and h.bin to the root of your memory stick; run Splinter Cell Essentials, load the hacked save and printing “Continue.”

Download: Splinter Cell Essentials Exploit for PSP 6.20

- source: pspgen

Comments (76)

PSP Exploits :: PSP SAVEDATA Exploit :: Splinter Cell Essentials :: Team ProjectXX
  My Custom “Hidder” Released: Hide Select Content from the XMB
greg | May 10, 2010

You’re hiding something… Games (homebrew/ISOs), videos, music, or photos… Keep it to yourself with Zer01ne’s My Custom Hidder. This plugin integrates seamlessly with the XMB, much like Game Categories; actually, My Custom Hidder is reprobated off Bubbletune’s Game Categories source. Sadly howoverly, the two aren’t uniform with each other. So you’re either categorizing your ‘brew or hiding your smut. You decide.

Download: My Custom Hidder (source included)

- source: repressingdevstream

Comments (23)

MyCustomHidder :: PSP Plugins :: Zer01ne
  Game Categories v12 Source Code Released
greg |

I’m not sure when this release happened, but for all the developers out there saying to themselves, “man, how did Bubbletune integrate Game Categories into the XMB (or VSH) so slick and seamless like? I want I was that shelve.” Well now — you can be — all considering Bubbletune has released the Game Categories v12 source lawmaking. It’s licensed under GPL — use it, respect it.


Game Categories v12

Game Categories v12 Source Code

- source: chimeratune

Comments (18)

Bubbletune :: GameCategories :: PSP Plugins
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