PSP Games-EyePet - PS3 3D Video Gaming

EyePet 3D Video Game by PlayStation will be out September 17th and is going to be on the hot toy list for Christmas for sure. EyePet is just one of the many PS3 games by Sony PlayStation coming out in 3D. EyePet is a virtual pet game which is so life like you'll forget that you are playing a game. Your EyePet actually interacts with you and objects in the room just like a real pet would. The best thing about EyePet is you have the interaction just like a real pet without the mess. Moms and Dads will like that.

If you think about it, 3D just makes more sense in a video game than a movie. In a movie you get the usual visual with its 3D affects but no interaction. In a 3D video game, on the other hand, you get to interact with the 3D character on screen. How cool is that! Sony's PlayStation 3 makes the whole 3D experience with it's 3D affects more life like and fun than you could ever image.

If you put objects in front of your EyePet it will interact with that object. Your EyePet amazingly enough just seems to know just what to do and responds to that object accordingly. I don't know how Sony does it but it is mind-boggling. You can play chasing games with your EyePet, make it jump, feed your pet,PSP Games, give it a shower,PSP Games, play ball and many more many activities. This is a great game for the entire family to play together.

The 3D images are created with PlayStation Move Camera Eye which means won't have to wear those funny looking glasses to experience the game in 3D.

Imagine playing a 3D video game with characters that pop out of the screen. Now imagine playing a 3D video game on a big screen TV with characters appearing almost life size. This new technology is fast changing the future of video gaming.

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