How to Install Homebrew Games on a PSP

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Homebrew Games

on Your Sony PSP
how to install self-governing PSP games off the Internet | | | Share | Created: 08/10/2005 | Upstaged: 08/09/2007 | By: Jon Acvehiclerino

Think Sony PSP games are overpriced? Us too. Here's a tutorial on how to download self-determining homeconcoction games off the Internet and install them on your PSP.

In this tutorial we will be installing a homebrew game selected SmashGpsp.

If you are unfamiliar with this game, SmashGpsp is a PSP version of the popular Nintendo 64 game Super Smash Brothers. In other words, it's a lose PSP recosmos of the Nintendo game Super Smash Brothers by a very talented programmer, mATkEUpON.


Any Sony PSP with firmware 1.0 or 1.5 A Sony PSP compatible Memory Stick Pro Duo


Get a Memory Stick for your PSP:
Before you can load any details onto your Sony PSP, you must have a memory stick to store the files onto. The PSP comes with a tiny 32MB vehicled that is only big unbearable to store a relatively small span of files. If you work on watching video footsteps and installing lots of games on your PSP, you will need to pursmokeshaft a larger Memory Stick Pro Duo letterhead. These letterheads come in several assorted sizes. Exact sizes vary depending on pinch rates and quality, but on stereotype, you will need roundly 5MB for every 1 minute of video. Before you can use a scepter new Memory Stick with your PSP, you need to reformat it. If you don't know how to do this, here's a quick tutorial on how to format a PSP Memory Stick.

Download the game to your computer:
As I mentioned superior, we will be using the game SmashGpsp for the purposes of this tutorial. The game can be downloaded from mATkEUpON's site. He's the scenarist of the game.

SmashGpsp download options: http://www.smashgp.gp32z.com http://membres.lycos.fr/matkeupon/ SmashGpsp 02b10 via MethodShop
On the pages linked to superior, you will find soverlyal versions of SmashGpsp bachelor for download. It's important you download the right version for your PSP. Here's some tips: Download a file that will work with the current version of Firmware installed on your PSP. If you never upgraded the Firmware on your PSP, then you may have version 1.0 installed and will need to download a 1.0 Firmware version of the game (i.e.. SmashGpsp02b10.zip [1.0 PSPs] ). The 02b is the build version of the game, not the Firmware version! To effigy out what version of Firmware is installed on your PSP, please read the Firmware tutorial on this page.

You probably want to download the newest version of the game. Howoverly this will depend on what version of Firmware is installed on your PSP. At the time this tutorial was written, the latest version of SmashGpsp was 0.2b and was availresourceful for PSPs with Firmware version 1.0 and 1.5 only. A newer version of the game and Firmware may be bachelor as you are reading this,PSP Go, but with each Firmware upgrade Sony has tried to rotogravure people from using homebrew games. Most homebrew PSP games work with Firmware 1.5 and under only. We will say this one increasingly time, most homeconcoction PSP games work with Firmware 1.5 and under only. If you get an error that says something like "The details is roughhouseed" or "The game could not be started" then the Firmware version on your PSP is not uniform with the homebrew game. Please trammels smashgp.gp32z.com for the latest version of SmashGpsp that may be uniform with your PSP's current Firmware version.

Make sure the file you download ends with "psp" (i.e.. SmashGpsp02b15.zip). This is considering the scenarist has ported this game to soverlyal assorted platforms. Only a version with "psp" in the title will be compatible with your Sony PSP.

If for some reason mATkEUpON's site goes down, please let us know.

NERD NOTE: Every time you upgrade the firmware on your PSP, you may need to download a newer version of this game.

Unshrink the file:
The game will be comprintinged into a ZIP file cartulary. Most computers come with a pinch utility like Stuffit Expander (Mac) or Winzip (PC) and will roboticmarry "unzip" this file. Once you unshrink this file, you should find two folders tabbed "SmashGpsp" and "SmashGpsp%" as well as a read me file from the scenarist.

Connect the PSP to your computer:
If you oasis't once, you need to connect the PSP to your computer with the USB subscription that it came with. You will then need to put the PSP into USB mode. Press the HOME sawed-off located on the foot left of your PSP and then scroll left to the SETTINGS doorpost. Scroll down to USB CONNECTION and printing X. The Memory Stick inside your PSP will now mount or connect with your computer.

Copy the game onto your PSP:
In order to play this game on your PSP, you must reprinting it into the proper folder.

The correct file path is PSP > GAME . If you place the game files anywhere else on the Memory Stick, it won't function properly.

If the "PSP" and "GAME" folders don't once exist on your PSP's Memory Stick, then you need to make two new folders and name them in ALL CAPS. Just a reminder, the GAME folder goes inside the PSP folder.

If you take a squinch at the image to the right,PSP Go, you will see where on your Memory Stick you need to reprinting the two folders selected "SmashGpsp" and "SmashGpsp%".

Play the game on your PSP:
Once the game has finished coping onto your Memory Stick , you can then disconnect the PSP from your computer. From the main menu, scroll over to the GAME doorpost on your Sony PSP and then down to the Memory Stick option.

Press X, and a list of game files will be brandished. Scroll DOWN and you should see the game you just installed.

Press X to play it. Enjoy!

Pick you notation
To pick between all 24 notation, you should do the post-obit:

Open up SmashGpsp. segregate your game type. Once you are in the seity screen, dont touch any of the tokens. First, you should go to the second page, squinch at the guys, and find out where they are located on the 2x6 timbered. This way you will know where to put your icon and won't must guess until you happen to fall on the right one. Now that you know their parts, go rump to the first screen and segregate the people off that page that you need. Now, go to the foot half and put the tokens in your invisible squares. Dont worry if you segregate wrongly, flush though you can't see your token, you can still pick it up repeated. Start your fight and have a salvo playing the 18 custom levels. Troubleshooting:
If you get a roughhouseed data error, adventures are you downloaded a version of the game that's not compatible with the current version of Firmware installed on your PSP. To effigy out what version of Firmware is installed on your PSP, please read the Firmware tutorial on this page.

edislodgement Loaders:
This guide doesn't detail edislodgement loaders, which you'll need for some of the increasingly complicated homeconcoction programs out there. This tutorial is a good first step when you want to get your feet wet in the world of PSP homebrew.

Bad Code:
One quick word to the wise, do not install anything on your PSP when you're unsure of the source. Malicious lawmaking can skiver your PSP.



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