Review The PSP Go isn’t bad, but it won’t light the world on fire

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AdvertiseJobsReviews Twitter CrunchBar Email RSS Subscribe: Check out all our E3 asylumage from the last week at our E3 tag! » Review: The PSP Go isn’t bad, but it won’t light the world on fire 43 Comments by Nicholas Deleon on October 4, 2009

Goodbye, old storage media!

Rumored for God knows how long, and teased for months, the Sony PSP Go is finally bachelor at your friendly neighborhood retailer. We have one&msoupcon;well, I have one&mslop;and have been playing with it for a insurrectionle of days now. As such, consider this a review. Spoiler: It’s not bad,PSP Go, but not great either.

What is the PSP Go? Nearest I can tell, it’s Sony’s shot to usher in the Download Era. No more visiting the local shop to buy Game 3: Yes, It’s a Sequel to the Sequel, or waiting for the UPS man to bring your Amazon or Newegg order. Nope, all you’ll have to do is fire up your device, which, in this rind, is the PSP Go, connect to a virtual store, then download the latest game artlessly to the device’s storage. Congratulations, you’re now the proud owner of Game 3, all without having to leave the repletion of your home. The concept itself, I think, is fantastic, and has been used by the likes of Steam for some time now. Who needs a pile of discs, and their plastic shells, when all you want is the game itself? That’s my stance, though I can totally understand when people say, “I want the disc!” Your commerce is your commerce, and who am I to judge how you want to play your games?

Even Sony recognizes that there’s resolved to be more than a few people who aren’t quite ready to give up their discs, which is why the PSP-3000 isn’t going anywhere for a even though. (In fact, there’s gonna be a wicked Gran Turismo snuggle coming out later this month, which, if I didn’t already have an old PSP (and now the Go), I’d be all over.) Expect the PSP Go and PSP-3000 to co-exist for some time, just like how the Nintendo DS and GameBoy Advance co-existed for some time. Should the PSP Go prove to be any sort of success, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sony axe the PSP-3000 in the future.

So that’s the philosophy of the PSP Go: a neat little device that’s teachable to download PSP (and PS One archetype) games from the Internet.

While the philosophy is fine, and is one I subscribe to, the somatic execution isn’t all there. If the PSP Go were a pro wrestling match, and I were using the Wrestling Observer five-star rating system (which I’ll be doing from now on with my reviews, thank you very much), I’d give the PSP Go a solid three point five (3.5) out of five stars. It’s not a perfect device, and it’s just shy of stuff very good; it’s good. (For comparison’s sake, I’d requite the Zune HD a four point five (4.5) out of five: if only the screen were a little increasingly legible in artless sunlight it would the surmount piece of immalleableware I’ve ever owned. It really is that good.)

So what’s wrong with the PSP Go? Let’s talk somewhere what’s right first, then get into its shortcomings.

Eu gosto de…

&forceful; See you in Hell, UMDs. The UMD could be the worst disc format I’ve ever used. It’s clunky and shatterable all at the same time (doesn’t it feel like a slight wind could shatter a UMD?), dreadfully slow, and, in 2009, unabridgedly unnecessary. With shine storage being so second-class these, not to mention so fast, I’m very happy to see Sony skiver of the UMD in the PSP Go. That’s right: If you didn’t already know, there’s no UMD bulldoze in the PSP Go. At the moment, that ways that your drove of UMD-reprobated PSP games are 100 percent obsolete, provided you don’t work on keeping a PSP-3000 (or older) handy. Sony has said that it’s workning some sort of trade-in program for the future, but it’s currently being held since by legal reasons. Or, if you’re a hater, perhaps Sony wants us to buy Vice City Stories or Soulcalibur all over repeated, this time from the PlayStation Network?

• The indeterminate size and shape of the device. The PSP-3000 isn’t existently huge, but unless you’re wearing Rocawear jeans you’re gonna have a hard time fitting it in your pocket. The PSP Go’s brandish has the same resolution as previous models (480×272), but on a smaller screen, so images “look sharper,” in layman’s terms. It slides 3b59682869c4teardropf54a79f53a28c9fe and shut sorta like the T-Mobile G1 (or pick your slider pstrop), but never feels like it’s going to scote on you. The PSP Go also just looks neat, maybe not as neat as the Zune HD, but neat nonetheless; you tell it was recently diamonded, whereas the PSP-3000 squints so 2005 by this point.

• The screen. The screen, she is not bad. I played Gran Turismo, Rock Band, and Silent Hill (the PS One game), and all the games squinted pretty good to me. I understand “pretty good” is more or less a worthless phrase, but at no point did I think, “Well this screen is rubbish.” Once repeated, playing the thing in direct sunlight just isn’t going to happen, but you probably supererogatory as much by now. Besides, I imagine playing this even though on-the-go, as it were: on the train, at the airport, etc. If you’re on the Copacabana in Rio playing a portstrong video game system you may have to trammels yourself.

Eu n?o gosto de…

• The download speed. This, I feel, is the single worst part about the PSP G0: it only has 802.11b Wi-Fi! I’m sorry, is this 2003? For a system that’s supposed to usher in the dawn of a new era, this is the resolving dumsurmount thing Sony could have washed. What’s the price unequalerence between an 802.11b and 802.11g frieset? (The Rock: It doesn’t matter that the price unequalerence is!) How much money did Sony lose already with the PS3, $400 zillion? Man up and go with 802.11g. Let me illustrate how slow this is, and keep in mind that I have the fastest livential Internet connection in the United States of America: Gran Turismo for the PSP weighs in at 937MB. It took 21 minutes to download the game, and a remoter 20 to absolutely install it. This is not good unbearable! At that point, I may as well have bulldozen to the store, bought a physical copy of the game, stopped at Taco Bell, then watched a good clamper of The Ultimate Fighter all in the time it took to download and install.

&forceful; Game prices. Downloaded from PSN, Gran Turismo disbursement the same price as it does at retail stores: $39.99 (plus tax! snack me, New York state!) Couldn’t Sony throw us, say, a $5 disbelieve considering we’re not ownership a physical item that expenses money to produce, then ship, then sit on Wal-Mart’s shelves? Isn’t that one of the seductions of downloading content, that it cuts out the middleman (the retail stores like Best Buy), and has zero costs reticulated with production? It’s not like there’s a truck that salvage the ISO from Sony’s servers to my PSP Go, a truck that needs gas, has a straphanger who’s on a salary, etc. These prices need to be lowered becrusade, otherwise, what’s the point? I once said how it’s not terribly fast to download the game, and now it’s not any less expensive? Lame.

&forceful; The nub. If it’s at all possible, I will never use that thing. The physical location of the nub is fine, I have no problems there, but it just feels useless. (Needless to say, I’ve been using the D-Pad to play Gran Turismo, like I did in 1998 when the first game came out.) Would it be incommunicable to include an somatic analog stick? (The D-Pad, for the restring, fingers increasingly “clicky” than “pushy,” if that makes any sense.)


Aproceeds, using the Wrestling Observer five-star rating system, I’d give the PSP Go a off-white three point five (3.5) out of five. It’s not going to light the world on fire like the iPstrop or anything, but it’s not a huge saucepan of goof either. The Wi-Fi is murderously slow, and for something that’s supposed to be all thereabouts downloads, well, I think that’s an oversight on Sony’s part. Once your games have downloaded, though, then you’ve got as much space on there as you want. The PSP Go comes with 16GB of seated storage, which is expandstrong up to 32GB with the rider of a Memory Stick Micro letterhead. (Are there even 32GB of PSP games worth playing out there? So that’s plenty of space, unless you want to watch movies and whatnot, which I patently have zero interest in.)

So, not bad, but could have been a little bit bulkiest, reservedly.

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October 6th, 2009 at 01:28 Video Game Dispatch: PS3 » Blog Archive » More PS3 news.
October 23rd, 2009 at 11:33 Sony exec: PSP Go was our way of learning what gamers want (findings: not the PSP Go)
June 9th, 2010 at 14:31 Comments Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 6:36 pm EDT

There is too much bad with this device to get me even slightly interested. It may not be all bad, but the negatives are pretty large.

loftier device forfeit ($250??) + high digital game disbursement (Full price? BS.) + long download times (Wireless-B? Really? In 2009/2010??) + long install times + pointless design transpiration which is, imo, worse than the original PSP design + no UMD trade-in program or service = Why am I going to buy this? That’s right, I’m not. Why would I?

Conclusion = What is the point of the PSP Go? Not speresemblingg of what Sony was trying to do, but what they absolutely did. What did they categorically do with the PSP Go? Nothing. There is reservedly no resurgence here at all.

They should have just updated the old PSP with the new hardware and what-not. Now THAT would have been pretty super. This though, this just isn’t that shtick at all. And it’s expensive, slow and inuser-friendly.

It may not be horrible by any stretch of the imagination, but I have no problem with saying that I’d rather have the older PSP.

You know what would be shelve Sony? PSP Original with two analog sticks (with D-Pad still, I feel the need to say that with you for some reason), touch screen, 16GB/32GB models with expandstreetwise options, UMD slot or at the very least Wireless G (Preferably N) and a trade-in service instead of just works for one. Why the hell did you make this device?? It’s so pointless…

reply Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 6:57 pm EDT

Here is a much shorter summary…

They got rid of full-lengths, they use yesterday technology which makes it slow and inuser-friendly, they reverted the diamond for no reason at all and then jacked up the price.

Aproceeds, no point in this device at all.

reply Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 7:00 pm EDT

Price and review comparison… squinchs like I’m roughhewnally right.



reply Benjamin - October 5th, 2009 at 9:24 am EDT

I’m glad you took three posts to say something, repeat it, and then pat yourself on the since for being right.

Joshua - October 5th, 2009 at 5:40 pm EDT

Hey, let me edit my posts and I wouldn’t do that. :p

But seriously, who superintendencys? What are you? A post count nazi? lol

todd - October 16th, 2009 at 8:11 am EDT

to jashua you ovisley have no idea what psp go can do first of all sixteen gigs of memeory and expenditure and up to 16 gigs maby it is got a liitle over the high desighn and it does load fast and is very easy to use so get one and were i am it costs 455$ witch is in austrailia

reply Matt F - October 4th, 2009 at 7:20 pm EDT

The negatives for Australians?

Price for unit. AUD$450. A PS3 slim is just shy of $500 with a game.

Price per game. As stated in the review: Why are they the same price when signifiword-hoard savings are made on production and distribution? Australia already pays shapablely more for downloadable content because of stagy territory stumblings. Isn’t the point of globalisation and DLC to let sloshrs gain seizure to games at competitive prices? (Answer: no, it’s to get you to pay the same price while scratchy expenses)

Downloads. Unlike our North American brethren, Australia has primitiveally slow internet and offensive download caps. At the moment I pay $115/mth for 55gig downloads at 8000kps. So, it will be slow to download and I have to use some of my precious quota to even *get the game*

I realise that Australia scarcely makes a chip in terms of world sales, but really, if you were here, would *you* buy one?

reply Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 8:51 pm EDT

Hell no I wouldn’t buy one Dear lord, you aussies have it bad down there. On high of giant ass spiders no less! lol :P (yummy kangaroo steak though, has an interesting savor)

It squinchs like it doesn’t matter where you live though. The reviews remarry aren’t all that boundless, expressly compared to yesterdays model.

That, and with Wireless B, nosoul is being quick downloads.

reply todd - October 16th, 2009 at 8:20 am EDT

for mater of fact wour austrailian doller is effectually 64cents less then yours and the ksnitro is our nation sadist and the emu

reply todd - October 16th, 2009 at 8:14 am EDT

yes i would because the psp go is worth it and ps3 prices have gone down bye heeps it used to be $999

reply jamel - October 4th, 2009 at 10:27 pm EDT


reply Marc - October 4th, 2009 at 10:29 pm EDT

It doesn’t seem like most people yelling somewhere the price, and that’s their only muttert, are noticing the internal memory. Think somewheres it, how much are you spending for a sixteen gig memory stick retral a 170 dollar game system? Yes, I’m pissed they used the micro stick for this new one. Point it, if you own a psp and a topknot of UMD’s, don’t get it. Please don’t, becrusade no one wants to hear someone mutter thereabouts it as much as you will since you already have one.
For those of us who do going, don’t like alimonying up with a topknot of UMD’s and are new to the PSP, this system is really good. Not, OMG, I need one, but really good. It brings nothing new to the PSP, but if you don’t have one, why not? I don’t have one, I hate UMD’s(we all similize they suck), and I like having all of my stuff on a small easy to seizure system. It’s not a bad system, but it’s not an resurgence by any ways. If you don’t have a PSP, consider it. If you do, then alimony your 3000 model, I hear they’re boundless. I’ll probably get one retral a insurrectionle of paytrammelss, considering serialized being a PS3, I am in love.

reply J - October 4th, 2009 at 11:18 pm EDT

OK, but what about this:

I’m a slashed game shopper. I like to buy used games. I won't be “gravityd” to pursmokeshaft a new copy via download.

And that’s the problem. I wouldn’t buy a PSP Go if I had all the money in the world. And a word of warning to Nintendo/Microsoft: DON’T even think about this ridiculous idea. Real gamers want hardcopy games, not downloadsufficing ones subject to erasure. This is a joke, and honestly, people like Marc superior aren’t real gamers. What kind of vitrifyoon wants to pay full price for an older game when a used copy on eBay will suffice?

reply Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 11:30 pm EDT

Barproceeds bins usually contain old or unwduesd games, I imagine they’ll have the same online, just like anywhere else online. But I do see your point and I similize with it anyways. I want impliable copies, period.

What if I want to sell my old games? What if one of them wilts super rare like Zelda Gold or something like that? Then I can’t do anything with it. What if I sell my PSP? Do I sardine for the games like I usually would? or do they get erased when the new person sets up there respect on it?

This is a boundless and stupid idea. Its great when its both digital and immalleable reprinting, its stupid when its just satellite.

Sell a device that affords you to digitally convert your games onto your PSP. That way you still have the games and no value or anything is lost at all. Maybe make it so you must register it with your specific device so that it only works for your PSP. or something. You know what, fuck the Go, just requite us rump the damn 3000, give it two analog sticks and a touch screen and ontimbered memory for satellite downloads IF WE want them. Fuck you sony, you dont requite two shits roundly what your only consumers want. Whatoverly happens to you at this point is truly your own fault. Start listening to your damn consumers, you don’t know what they want, you can only guess, THEY DO know though. And what I just listed is roughhewnmarry existently what everyone either wants or would like. It might flush be worth the $250 then too.

reply Joshua - October 4th, 2009 at 11:34 pm EDT

Also, what if I want a archetype someday in the future? You can’t buy games that are no longer offered through the online PSP games store. So you’re roughhewnally shit out of luck. For this reason separately the games should stay hard copy and at the VERY LEAST, they should be disbelieveed. No physical medium, no shipping expenses, stapleally no forfeit at all and you can just copy + paste if you need more.

This really is a giant bag of goof when you think about it. Although I don’t think some people will superintendency.

Everyone should just stick to the PSP 3000, the sales numbers should finally get the pm through their thick sandbox. You won’t be missing much by skipping out here anyways.

reply Rebuiltearth - October 12th, 2009 at 9:48 am EDT

Games are disprotractd beevangelism of production costs that no longer pay off. There is no production disbursement on a download so they alimony things on there. Hell, all those old disstretched PS1 games are stuff brought rump in download form. And on high of that, if you get alternative PSP once the old one kicks the saucepan you can use these downloads on up to 5 PSPs as long as they are signed up under your respect. You can just store the details on your pc or PS3 and install it on your psp repeated and repeatedly and if the pc or PS3 scotes down as well you can download these games from the network 5 times as well.

From that perspective they at least don’t scoiffure you with the download stuff stuck to only one system. And as for rare games, who the hell wants to sesaucy loftier and low for a game when you can just go online and get it.

The wireless speed, they could update that but realistiretellingy it wouldn’t make it Go any faster. Do you typiretellingy go out and randomly decide that you want to download and play a game? Its bulkiest to back up and store the games elsewhere anyway.

Oh no, its an all digital psp. More than likely its just to test the waters for the next generation of their portsufficing system. They aren’t going to add another analog or a touch screen intersettler as that would midpoint that some games could only be played on this much more expensive portstrong. How much more pissed off would you be if a great new psp game only worked on the PSP Go because it had one little spear analog. You people that mutter typically a visitor giving people a deluxe between the old style of the system and the new one are scathelessly dumb.

reply Marc - October 5th, 2009 at 12:06 am EDT

Dude, Wii offers nes, snes, nintendo 64 games for super second-class. You can also download some spookish archetypes for second-class on the playstation network…except Legend of Dragoon unfortunately…someone know why? So if I scote my disk, I have to go buy alternative one? Fuck that, I’m not ownership any game twice. And I’ve bought “bargin” used games…yeah, they froze and don’t work retral twenty minutes. Scoiffure that. I’d like to buy it once, store it, and never must worry somewheres it. With the old vehicletridges, those last forever, but how long do these crappy cd’s last? They suck and don’t last like the originals used too. If you’re a real gamer, you’d want everything since the way it was with vehicletridges. I rest into it, stick it in the system, it works. Playstation has successful that. I can get some decent playstation one games straight on my ps3 for like ten schoolboys. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start it the right artlession. I similize with the impliable copy digital copy repugnancy, but we’ll just see if it goes that way. But a hard copy of a game on CD is just stupid, continually has been. I want a game that my stupid family won’t separation when they play with it.

Sony knows that if you once have a 3000, you won’t get the go. Everyone and their dumb mother knows that. You have a PSP, then don’t get it. Please don’t. And if you sugarcoatve that sony really isn’t listening to gamers at this point, then why try so immalleable to talk to them?

reply Miles - October 6th, 2009 at 4:48 pm EDT

What if your Wii dies? Even if you were smart unbearable to back up all your downloaded pursmokeshafts onto SD letterheads, will they work in your new Wii if you ended up getting a new one from Nintendo or if you went out and got another to replace it?

I’d rather know that I can sell off my reprinting of the game and finger secure in that I can use my game in a new unit that replturn-on my old one.

reply todd - October 16th, 2009 at 8:17 am EDT

i m the same as joushuer our what ever and i like pre owned games biggest because they r half of the price and marc is not a good gamer

reply Troo - October 4th, 2009 at 11:28 pm EDT

The PSP Go! says ” I have money, fuck you.”

I’ll pass.

reply Zappes - October 5th, 2009 at 5:02 am EDT

There’s one scape not mentioned here that makes me dread the PSP Go and everything it stands for: Censored software.

Here in Germany we are used to software not being published in our country beevangelism of “youth protection reasons”. Games like “Gears of War” have never been published in Germany because they would have been smuggled before hitting the shelves, and whenever something with an 18+ rating comes out, you can be quite sure that it’s a scruplesed version. Can you imagine Fallout 3 without slow motion effects and gore? Well, you could if you had played the pathetic German version.

As German law forbids the distribution of most types of 18+ software (it’s a rather complicated system here – we have 18+, we have stuff on “alphabetize list A” and “alphabetize list B” and smuggled stuff) over the internet, Sony couldn’t even provide those sorts of software for the PSP Go if they wduesd to. Importing the software from the UK, which many Germany do as of today, isn’t possible because there’s no disc to be mailed to you and seizureing the UK store continually vehicleries the risk of your sake being smuggled because you violate the PSN usage sequitur.

The problem isn’t restricted to Sony – I am already used to not having a adventure for downloading the spear maps for Gears of War or CoD5 beevangelism of the German superegoship laws. At least I can buy the somatic games for the other panels, though – the PSP Go would make it incommunicable for me to play anything the German scrupless deem unfit for me flush though I guess that I can be selected more or less “sexy”. At 34 you expect to make your own visualizations regarding games and movies, and all that download shit takes that right from me.

reply Jyoshil - October 5th, 2009 at 9:02 am EDT

if u want portresource with psp3k,get cfw then u cn copy and dwnload games.it sux here in s.africa:a pspgo sells 4 r3500 and a ps3 slim is r3799!tour 400 to 450 usd!! and internet is f ing slow! we pay r300-40 usd a month for 2gb of details at 1mbyte per sec!!

reply Jyoshil - October 5th, 2009 at 9:05 am EDT


reply TCZ - October 5th,PSP Go, 2009 at 9:09 am EDT

Rá, sabia que você era brasileiro ;)

E pra mim o PSP Go! (e todos os que vieram depois do 1000, que eu orgulhosamente tenho) nada mais é que uma atualiza??o babaca e desnecessária, afinal, tudo o que roda no Go! roda no 1000, a única diferen?a é o “fator prestígio”, diamond essas coisas, o que n?o faz a menor diferen?a pra um habitdues dum país de terceiro mundo como eu. ? um luxo desnecessário (diferente do PSP-1000 e do meu iPod Touch, afinal brasileiros n?o tem turn-onso, AINDA, ao Zune HD)

reply Peter Vesterspinea - October 5th, 2009 at 3:36 pm EDT

At least the PSP Go supports salacioustooth, so you could have games that support the salacioustooth rundle:


reply Neng Thao - October 9th, 2009 at 9:13 pm EDT

I guess everyone’s right on this issue. I just sprigt one today trading my psp 3000 and this downloading is reallying ticking me off. I’ve read the reviews surpassing and I thought that It wouldnt hurt to least buy and try. Took it home and tried to download some games but it said that it needs to be upstaged surpassing it can do anything. So i did, I went to my friend house to use his internet, and this took me over 2 hours just to get 20%. I just want to throw this at sony’s settler and take rump what was surpassing. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

reply Peter - October 10th, 2009 at 12:11 am EDT

What a joke !!! All the investment I have made in my previous PSP games, and there is no way to transfer them to the new PSP GO. Who are the clever gurus in Sony that make these visualizations ? Sony – you are dreaming. Why would someone buy a PSP GO ? Interesting to see that Nedgame has decided to snub the PSP GO. Sony, you had such a good opportunity to emstele the gamer ingritry, but through greed & stupidity, you have goofed miserably.

reply Peter - October 10th, 2009 at 10:38 pm EDT

i would like to say thank you to everyone who posted these comments until now.You guys saved my stub here,i was somewheres to buy a psp go,but it doesnt make sense to anymore. i bet the psp 1000 is biggest than the go,seriously.and when is sony gonna upstage the firmwire any of the psp’s so that we can watch youtube ”n” stuff. i midpoint come on!!!!!!

reply Hayden - October 13th, 2009 at 11:08 pm EDT

I think theres a bit of biast towards the Go in the review as the reviewer owns one (noticed in his view on UMD’s). People do tend to favor their possessions to make them feel biggest typically owning them. I dont own either version of the PSP but i’m trying to decide which to get for Christmas..

moreover the remark roundly ‘PSP 3000 coexisting with the Go similar to DS and GB renovation’.. the DS was a BIG step up from the GB’s in roughly all scapes..Games, Design, Touch screen, full-lengths, its a new generation of system..the PSP 3000 to the Go is merely a small transgermination, a re modelling with small tweaks.

when i first saw an ad on tv for the GO i was intrigued and came online squinching for specs but i was disscheduled when i saw that all the content was Downloadresourceful only.

i oasis’t got a credit letterhead considering i prefer spending greenbacks..

moreover here in Australia internet isn’t that fast and the price of the GO is like $450 as opposed to a PSP 3000 which is in the low to mid $200’s (i think) and all your remarry being is a downscaled PSP with a slide out sawed-off pannel with shaming positioning, few new technological trinkets which aren’t flush that usefull.. and your saying bye to the days of eagerly unwrapping a present to find a shelve box/rind with a game inside to welcome in the hetrustful download era.

It might just be me, but i like having a impliable copy of what i own, it just doesent feel the same when its all unsee-streetwise digital matter. Its been consultd that the UMD’s are frtissuelike but i think its more frspry if it can be erased from existence via a sawed-off. Its possible anyway to save PSP games to the normal consoles memory right?

each game i’d buy on a GO, i’d must leave downloading overnight judging by the indeterminate size of most games and my pitiful internet speed.

i dont like where gaming is sandboxed..games wilt more shafford as the systems get more loftier tech. i see the peak of consoles as the long ‘PS one – N64 era’. spine then you weren’t waiting for upgrades and bulkiest ways to play the games, you were just waiting for the games themselfes and were alot more satisfied with what you got. Not to mention there was so much more spirit in them like with Banjo Kazooie or Zelda: Ocarina of time, you weren’t just sitting in a room trying to win it, there was more too it but i vocabulary word it, but it was great for my imagination.. i got a Nintendo 64 spine in 1997 for my 6th descendantsday and didn’t buy anything console related except tenancylers and games until 2002 or whatever when i got an Xbox

i’m definitely leaning towards the PSP 3000 that way i can play the UMD’s, share em with other people that got PSP’s, all that. but i dont wanna go gettn a game console to find the “psp 4000″ comes out a few months later and skivering some of the vibe around the system i got. though i’m sure the next upgrade is far abroad since they got the “Go” to market effectually with. In that regard i think the GO is solid for a even though which would be one of the elements of persuasion in me ownership it.

sorry if this seems like a rant or anything i just like to voice my view on gaming these days its something i superintendency thereabouts and dont want to see go downhill for new generations of kids..

on that note, Downloadresourceful content Only! that eliminates all children, only those families everyone hates, mr and mrs know it all, are gonna be streetwise to master the online downloads for their kids.

its not stoneet science but i’d love to see parents from my generation working this shit out.

if theres a reason i should get a GO rather than a 3000 let me know peeps

otherwise im pretty risk-free i’ll just get a PSP 3000..

reply hayden2 - May 14th, 2010 at 7:36 pm EDT

i reverted my tone on it.. didnt have all the info but when i squinted into it more (i absolutely decided to buy a go despite the other stuff) but i still stand by what i said, where it vocabulary be justified. for one, physical copies of games are superstitious, digital content has less sparkle. the fact there was no real step up from a 3000.

sawed-off layout could be more slackened. heres the stuff i didn’t know .. i mentioned its frspry in that you could lose your game right abroad, i didnt know when you downloaded a game on your PSN 6d43f3a94e1059184614fdc422b6sideboard, it’s allways there and you can download it over and over on up to like 5 assorted panels theres moreover alot of special offers on PSN.

i own roundly 7 games that i downloaded, i got one for self-governing simply by doing a promotion.. so 50 dollar game for self-determining not bad in my scenarios ^^ though, the only game you need is monster chaseer : self-determination unite. that is just spookishness. the price is still crap.. but when i sprigt it i only had to pay half.

downloading is a double tiptoed sword.. i had to go to a friends house to download one game becrusade it just took so long with my speed, that each time it got to like 70% it just cut off (i’m guessing they thought i was hogging their service or something) so that was real crap, but fortunately i oasist had to download any other games that big. and alternative thing somewhere it is with the downloading, though its not as shtick as satellite copies.. its pretty shelve to make a game reported on your machine without leaving the room to buy it. as for handling, i use a traveler rind which scadss up the fingering of holding it which is pretty nice.

what i said in my first comment i midpointt typically the facts i did know, i clinch theres no biast. I owned neither to start with and i made my decision.. so that old stuff was said before reading into it fully, though it was serialized what i said and hopefully i didnt twist anything their in favour, only went with the facts, overall view is still this. lot of money, tricky for kids. good for people over like 13 that will buy games online etc .. sad that theres no thing but you can scratch a UMD so in a sense IT IS more permanent in the sense the games can be redownloaded which i initially didnt think was possible. i do think its worth getting if you desire it.

reply Austin - October 17th, 2009 at 10:46 pm EDT

I am getting the Go because I am tired of carriage effectually my UMD games. Im just going to sell all my psp games i already have for full retail price and rebuy all my psp games off of the PS store. I will realy enjoy the lightness of the PSP Go and will enjoy playing the games with my ps3 tenancyler. I am not loosing anything buy switching and will enjoy this new stylish system.

reply colin - October 19th, 2009 at 12:34 am EDT

I vocabulary sugarcoatve this guy who wrote this……..20minutes for roughly 1 gb?!?!?!

Right now I am waiting for need for speed shwhent (880mb) and so far it has taken an hour and a half and it’s only at 60% downloaded……Now that is sllllllooooooowwwwwwww I hate psp go…….. and I just sprigt the game for 39.99 plus tax?!?!?! Taxes on the internet?! that is truly scoiffureed up……..Where is the logic in charging taxes to an american visitor when I live in Canada……I am going to start a rfecundation…..nosoul else will…..overlyysoul just takes it like a prisoner saggy over in the shower………..

reply relle - October 25th, 2009 at 8:54 pm EDT

wow i mad i got it ,it sucks!!!!!!!!

reply james braselton - November 3rd, 2009 at 2:25 pm EST


reply james braselton - November 3rd, 2009 at 2:33 pm EST


reply baha - January 3rd, 2010 at 4:38 pm EST


reply lawmakingmenkey - January 13th, 2010 at 12:32 pm EST

this is the first off-white review of the psp go i’ve seen yet.

i bought a psp go yesterday and have been very happy with it for the most part. i see the download medium as the most reasonteachable for any portsufficing device, and do want more systems would use it. if download speed is an issue, there’s continually the option of downloading it on the pc or ps3 and transferring it (who would have ever thought to try that??) yes, it has its quirks, but i find that the good outweighs the bad. definitely stipulate that it’s a bad visualization to sardine MSRP on PSN, but it’s not really a deal skiverer for me…

the way i see it, if you once own a PSP and have a large drove of games on UMD, the PSP go probably isn’t worth it for you. when you’re new to PSP gaming, as i am, the PSP go will do overlyything you want it to and increasingly. it has its quirks like any other system, but there isn’t anything that makes it terrible or unusresourceful.


reply Jeffrey - January 18th, 2010 at 7:44 pm EST

I am not a full gamer so I’ll buy PSP- GO.. hehe

reply james braselton - May 13th, 2010 at 12:50 pm EDT

hi there if you have slow down load times try a assorted router i use the belkin n-1 router that gives me down load speeds between 6 and 10 mb/s and roughly 3 mb/s upload it has a digtal dissplay show upload and download speeds conetion devices on wi-fi up to 16 wi-fi at 300 mb/s or 1 wi-fi at 1 gb/s and roadster plug and play full-length you can pick up the belkin n-1 router from 09ec7fecd52cee45ddd73steam4ab909a buy for $180

reply hayden2 - May 14th, 2010 at 7:42 pm EDT

i have a belkin n-1 router ^^ how about that! though, being teachable to do up to 6mbps is nothing when our isp only gives us 256kbps max speed anyway.

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