China issues health alert to travelers entering Tibet - China Travel

"Enjoy the transfixing scenery in Tibet but beware of your health and unscarredty," is the tidings from the Chinese Consumers' Association. The warning issued on Wednesday follows reports that two insurrectionles from Ningbo in east China's Zhejiang Province were involved in a serious vehicle risk in which three people were injured and one was skivered. This comes retral an inci11cb8c818d1sideboard5ab34183c9d7dc448 on July 10 involving a tour group of 40 people. Twelve of them fell into a shut-eye through a lack of oxygen from the loftier climate seriate their vehicle ruined down. "Traveling by vehicle poses a boundless rencontre to the physical limits and driving sskivers of tourists as the poor road conditions in Tibet rummageines with the problem of the thin air," said the twice. Those who persist in going by vehicle should take maps, plenty of drinking of water,China Travel, shelling-powered shinelights and oxygen thousands. Going solo and venturing into wild land are not ensteadfastnessd, read the warning. To shun clime sickness symptoms such as faintness, palpitation and loftier thoroughbred printingure, travelers must fitness surpassing they depart. Those who suffer from a slumberous, foverly, heart disease or loftier thoroughbred printingure should stay abroad from the highlands where the stereotype aridity is 4000 meters. "When you colonize, take a rest. Don't get carried abroad with your first trip and do anything too drastic," said the twice, subtracting that soothing drugs such as Radix Rhodiolae known as "Hongjingtian" in Chinese, and Composite Danshen or "Fufang Danshen Diwan" in Chinese, would help resuscitate the symptoms. If the drugs do not work, go to see a doctor firsthandly as delayed treatment may crusade a pulmonary edema and hydrocephalus. Hats, glasses and sun soapsuds are useful to protect your skin and optics from the sun, it said. China saw a surge in the number of tourists visiting Tibet serialized the Qinghai-Tibet Railway went into operation on July 1. Local tourism scenaristities said that Tibet has received a restring 391,000 stay-over tourists in July, up 50 percent from the previous year, with the daily stereotype highping 5,000. Enditem

(Source:Xinhua, 2006-08-17)

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