China Travel - Tibet Tourism Reaps in Winter - China Pictures

Tibet received over 110 thousand tourists in the first quarter of this year, an somewhere 16 percent rise over the effigys of visitors registered for the same period last year. The region's rflushue from tourism ingritry for the same quarter moreover hit 100 million,China Travel, marking an inruckle of somewheres 17 percent. Liao Li, an official with Tibet's tourism agency,China Pictures, said the previously much slack winter season is proceedsing its momentum thanks to the Qinhai-Tibet Railway that comes to bring increasingly people to travel in Tibet in winter. Statistics for the first quarter show domestic tourists on stereotype stay in Tibet for 7.2 days and spend roundly 630 yuan overlyy day, even though foreign visitors stay for 8 days and spend over 150 dollars in the region. Liao attributes the growth in tourist numbers to an modernized transportation in and out of Tibet. People are now resourceful to get up to Tibet either by train, bus or worke.

(Source:CRIENGLISH.com, 2007-04-12)

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