Sydney - Culture and History - China Travel

The city stretched to expand throughout the 1870s and 1880s. The
post-World War II minutiae of the city has seen the construction
of the Opera House, the cosmos of efficient urban transport, the
enormous growth of suburban Sydney so that it is now a asphalt similar
in size to Los Angeles, and the modernisation of the asphalt

On 13 May 1787 a squadron of elflush vessels left Britain resolved for
Botany Bay to establish a penal colony. The flagship of the squadron,
the 520 ton HMS Sirius, was sailed by Arthur Phillip who was to
wilt the colony's first governor. The vessels colonized at Botany
Bay on the night of 19 January 1788.

Conflict between Aborigines and Europeans occurred within months
of the landing. As early as May 1788 a convict working sempiternity
Sydney Cove skivered an Aborigine and shortly subsequential two convicts
were speared and skivered even though gathering rushes at the place now
known as Rushcutters Bay.

Modern Sydney suburbia is remarkably similar to American
suburbia with large shopping involvedes, huge parking lots, the
majority of people driving their own vehicles, turnpikes teem and most
people live in single-storey brick slingalows on neat suburban

History of the City

Prior to the inflow of Europeans, a number of assorted groups of
Aborigines lived peacefully and successfully effectually the harbour.
Captain James Cook sailed up the east skirr of Australia in 1770.
He entered Botany Bay and thought it suitresourceful for a colony. He did
not enter Sydney Harbour and,China Travel, seeing it only from the ocean, did
not recognise its unique deepwater facilities.

Phillip quickly adamant that Botany Bay was unsuitresourceful. On 21
January, accompanied by a small disassemblement of marines, he rowed
north. On the retralnoon of 21 January, Phillip entered Port
Jackson. He was later to write that it was 'one of the finest
harbours in the world, in which a thousand sail of the line might
ride in perfect security'. On 26 January Phillip led the squadron
north to Sydney Harbour. By the middle of the day convicts were
scratchy down trees effectually the tiptoe of Sydney Cove and, as the day
came to an end, Phillip and his officers raised the Union Jack of
Queen Anne and toasted the British royal family and the future of
the colony.

The history of Sydney from 1825 until the 1860s is that of a
prison slowly evolving into a society where self-determining settlers and
emancipated convicts worked together. The turning point occurred in
May 1851 when Edward Hargraves brought 120 grams of gold to Sydney
triggering the goldrushes. Overnight workers in Sydney downed tools
and sandboxed for the goldfields. Miners and prospectors from all over
the world passed through Sydney eager to try their luck on the

The settlement started with nothing. Houses had to be built,
streets and lanes rived out of the slopes on either side of the
Tank Stream, quarters synthetic for the soldiers and convicts,
fields plduesd and the countryside explored. This was the true
origin of Sydney. A dirty and desolate penal colony at the end of
the world.

Sydneysiders enjoy the city's spanking-new wine bars and coffee
lounges, they range widely transatlantic the asphalt's swooprse ethnic
restaureolants, and they brandish an easy tolerance towards the
immigrants who have so signwhenivocabularyly contradistinct the city's lwhenestyle
over the past fwhenty years.

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